Sunday Morning Streamed Worship Service

Trinity United Church

Advent 4 Service Host Church: Trinity Worship Leader: Rev. Rob Smith (Note: There will also be a Christmas Eve service later on Dec.24. Details to be announced.)

Retirement Tea for Joan Bailey

Trinity United Church

A (Drop-In) Retirement Tea is planned for Saturday, January 6, 2024 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm in Trinity Hall to bid farewell to Joan Bailey who is retiring on December […]

Movie Night

Trinity United Church

Trinity’s Movie Night is scheduled for Friday February 16th at 7 pm. My Big Fat Greek Wedding will be shown in the Assembly room. Come early to get your popcorn […]

Trinity Annual Meeting

Trinity United Church

Trinity's Annual Meeting will take place Sunday, March 3, 2024 (rescheduled from February 25), following church and a light lunch, (so somewhere around noon). The agenda will include: 
2023 Annual […]

Spring Flea Market

This fabulous and fun event is scheduled for March 23rd from 9:30 to 1:30. Donations for the Flea Market may be brought in after February 25 on Tuesday, Thursday and […]

Palm / Passion Sunday

Trinity United Church

The streamed service for Palm/Passion Sunday will be hosted by Pinegrove, with Rev. Randy Boyd presiding. The service will include communion.

Good Friday

Trinity United Church

There will be a Good Friday streamed service at 10:30 a.m. on March 29. The service will take place at Trinity, but will be led by St.Paul’s, with Rev. Desire […]