Sunday Morning Streamed Worship Service

Trinity United Church

Advent 4 Service Host Church: Trinity Worship Leader: Rev. Rob Smith (Note: There will also be a Christmas Eve service later on Dec.24. Details to be announced.)

Retirement Tea for Joan Bailey

Trinity United Church

A (Drop-In) Retirement Tea is planned for Saturday, January 6, 2024 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm in Trinity Hall to bid farewell to Joan Bailey who is retiring on December 31 after many years of faithful and loyal service to Trinity. Please VIEW THE POSTER for more information.

Movie Night

Trinity United Church

Trinity’s Movie Night is scheduled for Friday February 16th at 7 pm. My Big Fat Greek Wedding will be shown in the Assembly room. Come early to get your popcorn and refreshments. No charge for the movie but a donation towards the snacks would be appreciated. Bring a friend (or two)to this inexpensive and informal […]

Trinity Annual Meeting

Trinity United Church

Trinity's Annual Meeting will take place Sunday, March 3, 2024 (rescheduled from February 25), following church and a light lunch, (so somewhere around noon). The agenda will include: 
2023 Annual Reports from all Committees, 2023 Financial Statements, 
Nominating Report, 
2024 Budget, and 
New Business.