Due to the concerns around COVID19, we have decided to hold our services online for the next two weeks – at least. We serve an especially vulnerable group in our church and we don’t want to take any chances.
However, that doesn’t mean that church is cancelled! We will be joining with the other United Churches in Thunder Bay to offer a city-wide online worship service.
The church has never been limited by walls before, so this is just a new way of being a faith community. Please join us on the LIVE page and worship with others around the city and region. You can donate to the church of your choice – use the DONATE button and we will make sure the donation goes to the proper place.
Other scheduled events, the Antique Faire, the Potluck and Travelogue, the Movie Night and Bible Study have been postponed.
Keep coming back for news! It’s a very fluid situation and will change daily.